karishma mehrotra
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
I interned with the education team for a semester in 2013 and with the PolitiFact team in 2012. I wrote front page stories, produced video and podcasts, and covered contentious school board elections.

For this Sunday A1 story, I traveled three hours to southern Georgia to talk to parents, administrators and teachers in a school district that came in fourth for the number of reported corporal punishment incidents. I spent months talking to researchers, activists and community members.
If the paywall blocks you, here.

I visited multiple supper clubs and talked to numerous people for my story about the underground supper club movement in Atlanta.
Eater Atlanta teased the story here.
If the paywall blocks you, here.
And here is a podcast I made for the story on the side:

I covered the Dalai Lama's visit to Emory University. Here is the story in the AJC. If the paywall blocks you, here.
I produced a video about the Dalai Lama's visit to Emory Unviersity.
You can find a more TV broadcast version of the video here.
This article was teased on the front page of the AJC on April 19, 2013. I spent about a month and a half investigating how Emory decided to boot Chick-fil-A from the University. After Dan Cathy's comments, Emory community members had called for the venue's removal. But University official made clear the decision to remove the venue had nothing to do with politics.
This story made it to the local TV channel (WSB TV). You can see that here.
You can see the story in the AJC or in PolitiFact.
Or, if the paywall blocks you, here.
This story made it to the front page of the metro section. After five black males in Atlanta's TFA saw that black males in their corp had the lowest retention and efficacy rates, they began the informal support group Black Male Leadership Association which has blossomed into a structured institution with executive board meetings, scheduled social events, and even a 2013 summer convention of more than 100 black male teachers from across the nation.
If the paywall blocks you, here.

This article about backyard chickens in Atlanta was on the first page of the Living section in the AJC. I wrote the story for one of my college journalism classes and made a podcast to go along with it.
Here is the podcast:
All nine Atlanta school board seats were up for election when I interned with the AJC and the stakes were high because of the recent cheating scandel. I covered one of the races and had to dig through numerous tax liens and personal records to complete elaborate background checks on all the candidates.
Every year, each Atlanta student is gaurenteed at least one field trip. Here is my story about this year's program.